Sentani Lake

Travel into inner Papua can be relaxing when commenced with a visit to Lake Sentani, a scenic beauty over glittering water located near Jayapura, capital city of Papua. The stillness of the water is most peaceful, evoking a peculiar wonder whether such a lake should indeed exist in paradise. The embracing Cyclops Mountains to the north and the lush vegetation as backdrop, securely protect the twenty four villages surrounding the lake.  The people here are friendly and creative, carving their reputation among the best craft makers in the land of Papua.
To best experience the excitement of boating on the lake, rent a motorized canoe available at one of the villages. The guide who has taken you on the overnight tour from Jayapura will show you where to get one of the dugout canoes.  Experience the thrill of being caressed by the warm breeze while speeding on the lake, photograph the stilt houses, know the locals, and make friends with your guide, and eventually boldly brag about it in the travel blogs.
Lake Sentani and its surrounding areas was once the training field for amphibious aircraft landings. It was built by the Japanese and captured by the US Army in 1944.  American war legend, General McArthur was said to have gazed on the lake and its 22 islets, and came up with his victorious island-hopping strategy.
Living as fish farmers, and the close location to the provincial capital, are reasons why  most of the population around the lake are open to visitors. Stilt houses with ponds and nets are common landscapes. The lake is home to at least 33 species of fish, of which almost half of them are native. The Sawfish (Pristis microdon) was once the premier host of the lake, which today is said to have become extinct. This fish is one of the indigenous ornaments found on Sentani’s woodcrafts. Hang one of these items on your wall as a mark that you have been dramatically introduced to the wilderness of Papua.


Wakatobi submarine is one of the best in the world. Location of Wakatobi which enter in the Coral Triangle World makes this place a paradise for divers. How not, Wakatobi has 750 of the 850 species of coral, various species of coral and sea creatures that have been hard to find in other areas. Realizing a dream to enjoy all the beauty of Wakatobi are now not difficult. Transportation to Wakatobi, SE Sulawesi, available every day. Meanwhile, in Wangi-scented, the capital area, has been available public transportation, taxis and motorcycle taxis. The total cost was not too expensive, only with 7 million for vacation for 3 days 2 nights. You can get ready to go backpacking.
To go to the area, you can choose to use a ship or aircraft. Using ships are cheaper, but time consuming, from Makassar to Wakatobi alone took more than 10 hours. So, put on planes is a more appropriate choice might make the trip even if you do not like a backpacker. Currently, flights to Wangi-scented, the capital area, are available every day. Water Express Airlines, serving flights from Makassar to Perfume-scented once a day, departing from Makassar approximately at 8:00 pm. These flights using small planes loaded with 30 people and will transit in Bau-bau.
Flights to Makassar can be done with any airline. But, try to be able to arrive several hours before the flight to Wakatobi depart. If you want to secure, would be better to choose the same flights with the airline. The cost of Jakarta to the Perfume-scented with Express Water around Rp 1.9 million. Up in Wangi-scented, you can start looking for lodging by taxi or motorcycle taxi. Taxis at the Perfume-scented usually not on the meter, so it's better first taxi price surveys by asking at a few parties. If you would like fragrance-scented tour, a taxi can also be rented all day and costs around Rp 250,000.
For ease of transportation, would be better to choose accommodation in Wangi-scented. No need to worry about spending another region, because there are boat or ship can take you to other Wakatobi region, such as the Hoga, Kaledupa, Tomia and Binongo. There are a variety of lodging options. The cheapest is to stay at home people, it will cost about Rp 50,000 per night. Hotel has a standard rate of around Rp 150,000 to Rp 300,000 per night. If you want more luxury, choose resorts with the usual price of Rp 500,000 to Rp 1,500,000 per night.
Done with the business of accommodation, you can begin to prepare the core event, enjoying the sea keidahan. As elsewhere, there are two alternatives, snorkeling and diving. If you do not have the equipment, you can rent, including rent a guide and boat will deliver to the diving site. To find a guide, most easily contact the WWF office Wakatobi. They have a network to a few people who can guide the submarine. There are several packages that offer guides, diving equipment, ships and places of accommodation at a price of Rp 1,000,000 per person per day. Condition, the minimum group is 4 people. With the package, you can dive in some of the best places Wakatobi, including Hoga, Waha, Tomia and elsewhere. In a certain dive sites, you can go see napoleon fish that size is quite large, including the sea hare, the variety of sea stars and a definite diversity of corals.
In addition to diving and snorkeling, you can also enjoy the attractions of dolphins with Dolphin Watching or see panoramic sunrise and sunset at Hoga, one of the places with the best panoramic sunset and sunrise. Seaweed cultivation can also be seen in certain places, especially around Kaledupa and Perfume-scented.
At night, dark sky also offers a sprinkling of stars. For those who like astronomy, Wakatobi also could be an alternative. In some areas, Bajo village can still be found in the middle of the ocean, although the number of increasingly little today. If it's really like to surround area, at least it took a week for quite satisfied. Because the trip one island to another must be done by speedboat with a specific schedule that sometimes unreliable. Could have hired a special speedboat, but expensive tariffs.
For culinary tourism, there are some that need to be tried. You can taste kasuami, a staple food made from cassava is grated, squeezed the water and steamed, usually eaten with fish. There is also a chicken curry and cake karasi Wakatobi. To be sure, a variety of seafood is easily found. There are people who even ate octopus. Well, let's realize the dream to Wakatobi. Enjoy the beauty that originally existed only in stories or even movies. For those who do not like or can not dive, do not be afraid. Snorkeling activity is promising beauty, just make sure the guide stays near you, at least keep you feeling calm

Derawan Island

East Kalimantan Province Government propose to the central government through the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to make Derawan Island and other islands in the region as a national tourist destination. "We hope Derawan Island and other small islands around it designated as a national tourist destination such as Sail Bunaken, Wakatobi Sail and Komodo Island," said Governor Kaltim Ishak Awang Faroek in Samarinda, on Tuesday (12/04/2011).
Moreover, he said, Kaltim Derawan Sail will be holding events in 2013, and to promote the potential of nature tourism on the island of Charitable and Maratua and Kakaban and other islands. Derawan Island is located in Derawan Islands, District Derawan, Berau regency, East Kalimantan. Unit Derawan island morphology is bertopografi flat coastal plain. In the waters surrounding the park and there are well-known as a tourist submarine (diving) with a depth of about five meters.
In the marine tourism objects have a wide range of marine life. In 2010 foreign tourists (tourists) who come as much as 24 410 people with an average length of stay of eight days, while domestic tourists (wisnu) 1,174,626 people with an average length of stay of four days. Visits of foreign tourists rose an average of 3,000 people per year while wisnu 30,000 per year.
East Kalimantan desire for Derawan Island established a national tourist attraction in line with the program year excursions or Visit East Kalimantan East Kalimantan Years 2011. "The government of East Kalimantan seriously make a potential pre-eminent regional tourism. Kaltim wealth and natural conditions support the development of nature tourism," said Awang. East Kalimantan provincial government has submitted the proposal to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. The challenge facing East Kalimantan are some other areas have been set the same leading tourist visits, among others Sail Bunaken, Wakatobi Sail and Komodo Island.
Awang added that through Kemenbudpar President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is expected to be approved and set Derawan become a national tourist destination. "Of course, this desire must be supported all the stakeholders and the community must come together to support this program so that the synergy is not only with Derawan Berau regency, Charitable or Kakaban and Maratuanya. But other areas in East Kalimantan to visit local attractions," said Awang .
Event, the Feast of Indigenous ERAU and Irau and Birau to Malinau Regency, Grand Indonesia, and Berau. East Kalimantan provincial government through regional work units (SKPD) has continued to promote the objects associated with the pre-eminent scale campaign to promote local, national and even international business involving the hospitality and travel agency.


West Sumatra is one of the most beautiful areas of Indonesia. It is mountainous and divided by three valleys. There are lovely lakes and spectacular volcanoes. But Minangkabau land is very special and has the most friendly population group of Indonesia. They love to talk with visitors and will tell us about their unique society. If a visitor tries to understand the culture and Minang traditions he will soon feel himself a member of the clan. He will be invited as a guest to their homes - a unique way to become acquainted with real Indonesian life. Most of our hosts and hostesses are English teachers so language will not be much of a problem. They will show us the community and explain their customs.
The land of the Minangkabau, West Sumatra has a distinct culture, which distinguishes it from the rest of the island. A land of scenic beauty with blue green lakes and mountains, West Sumatra's Centre of culture and tourism is Bukittinggi in the highlands, north of the provincial capital of Padang. Most prominent in the landscape is the horn-shaped roofs of the houses nestled in the coconut groves. The name Minangkabau means triumphant buffalo. It leads a community and family life based on a matrilineal system, which clusters around mosques and the traditional houses. As it is the women who have the properties, the men are known for their wanderlust and entrepreneurship. Traveling is considered a mark of success and therefore many of them are found "merantau" (emigrated) to other parts of the country. This is proof that many Minang or Padang restaurants, serve very spicy food, found in all major towns in the nation. The people are hospitable and eloquent in a poetic style of speech and ceremonies. Festivals are colorful occasions.
West Sumatra has a coastline where the capital is situated. The hinterland is a range of high mountains, which dip into picturesque valleys and lakes. Amongst them are the remnants of the old Minangkabau kingdom of Pagaruyung, (the art centers for silver, hand-weaving, embroidery and woodcarving).
West Sumatra province has about 49,778 sq km width, which is located between 0o 54' North Latitude and 3o 30' South Latitude and between 98o 36' and 101o 53'.
Wide Area
West Sumatra Province has 42,297.30-km2 areas. The West Sumatran coastline faces the Indian Ocean and stretches 375 km from North Sumatra province in the northwest to Bengkulu in the southeast. West Sumatra lakes include: Maninjau (99.5 km2), Singkarak (130.1 km2), Diatas (31.5 km2), Dibawah (14.0 km2), Talang (5.0 km2). West Sumatra rivers include: Kuranji, Anai, Ombilin, Suliki, Arau. The mountains & volcanoes of West Sumatra are included: Marapi (2,891 m), Sago (2,271 m), Singgalang (2,877 m), Talakmau (2,912 m), Talang (2,572 m), Tandikat (2,438 m).
The temperature of West Sumatra province has ranges between 22o C and 32o C, and the rainfall is 2,289 mm per year.

Kuta Beach

Tourism Objects Sanur Beach is one of the beautiful beaches, scenic and historic. Sanur Beach is a popular tourist destination on the island of Bali. This place is situated in the eastern city of Denpasar, the capital of Bali. Sanur located in the Municipality of Denpasar.
Sanur beach is a beach where the Dutch royal troops landed when the Dutch attacked the Badung region during the colonial era. Sanur Beach is one tourist beach in Bali than Kuta beach. Sanur Beach is also known as Sunrise Beach Sunrise beach or in the morning because we are free to watch the sunrise without blocked by mountains or hills.
The attack group of islands and coral rocks jutting into the sea across the sea visible from the south of Sanur Beach. Panorama south of Sanur beach is more beautiful to see in the morning. Place a strategic review is the Eastern part, on Semawang and Mertasari. The situation there was fresh air and a comfortable sea breeze blowing. The atmosphere along the coast of Sanur light and shade as full of big trees. Sanur Beach is nice to enjoy the sun rise (Sun Rise), and sunbathing along the white sandy beaches.
Among tourism, Sanur beach was first introduced by the Belgian painter named AJ Le Mayeur and his wife Ni Polok who settled in Sanur since 1937. In an effort to increase the attractiveness of tourist area of Sanur, since 2006, implemented the Sanur Village Festival. Sanur Village Festival is an annual event which regularly held in Sanur. This event is initiated by communities of Sanur, the Sanur Development Foundation and be supported by the Government of Denpasar.
Sanur is one of Bali’s biggest traditional villages but it’s also one of the most established tourist areas. Sanur was Bali’s first beach resort but still retains its Balinese character and old style village ambiance. On the southeastern side of Bali, Sanur beach is easily reachable from Denpasar, about a 5 to 10 minute drive. Sanur is an excellent site to watch the sun rises, as we jog along the white sandy beach. Being one of the first resorts developed in Bali, Sanur maintains its traditions. Only a stone thrown away from the beach, ancient temples stand as solemn as they have been in centuries past.
Palm-lined beach, facing the Indian Ocean towards the east, Sanur is an excellent place to see the sun rise in the morning. “Bali is the morning of the world”, it is the right sentence for Bali if we has visited Sanur. Offshore reefs protect the beach against the waves, and make it popular for windsurfing, boating, and other water sports. It is one of the first areas where one can find good hotels, restaurants, shops, and other tourist facilities.
It’s also the place for some of Bali chic fashion shops, hot hotels and well-known restaurants. It is a good location to explore the rest of Bali. Fine hotels, restaurants and modern entertainment venues complement traditional village activities like drama and dance, so it’s a good place to enjoy the delights of a tropical island and gain a real appreciation of Balinese culture and local life. Gradual and early development has meant that Sanur has grown alongside the village, with hotels located right next door to local meeting halls and Brahmanic temples. Many hotels have expansive gardens that face the ocean in a picturesque unbroken seaside promenade.


Jakarta has a peak tourism as well as with Lembangnya Bandung, Medan has also the peak tourist attractions are no less interesting and beautiful. Namely Brastagi area, a trip from Medan to Berastagi take 1.5 to 2 hours using a private vehicle travel. With public transport can be taken within 3 hours, because the distance the city of Medan to Berastagi travel approximately 50km away. along the way we can enjoy beautiful views to the left and right beside the road we could see the scenery of tea plantation and tobacco, and daily activities of society northern Sumatra.

Before entering the Brastagi we will pass Kaban ginger, here a lot of tea plantations and tobacco plantations, many traditional markets around Kaban this ginger. Activities of traders and buyers in the market eligible to be photographed, and the people were very friendly with the arrival of tourists and tourists who see. After that we went on a trip to Berastagi, here the air was getting cool and cold. He wanted to stop by dikedai coffee to enjoy coffee and the view around the mountains.

Berastagi is a very beautiful area, the area which is located in North Sumatra that have a height of 1400 meters above sea level. The air here is very clean and cool, this

because it is surrounded by mountains and forests - forests that are very beautiful. Does not feel the trip as long as 1.5 hours a lot of fun. From the hills we can enjoy views of the green and could see the volcano and Sibayak Sinabung. Sibayak volcano is still active today and has a height of 2000 meters, the location of this Sibayak mountain not far from Berastagi.

Not only that, Brastagi very famous for vegetables and fruit - fruit, fruit that is very famous here is passion fruit. Passionfruit Brastagi very popular until the whole of Indonesia, and many made quintessence syrup. Indeed dibrastagi if we do not enjoy the fruits Brastagi did not complete it's like, let alone cold weather and cool very supportive of us to eat more food.

After that we continued to Tongging attractions, there are a large waterfall that is Sipiso Piso waterfall. Piso name means knife, this waterfall is sharp and in surrounded by a deep ravine in the northern Sumatran tana, the distance to the location of this waterfall that is 24 km from Kabanjahe. and is located around the edge

Northern part of Lake Toba. Disekiling has views of waterfalls and gorges are very beautiful, high-piso waterfall Sipiso approximately 130 meters. I am very interested to get to this waterfall, as the distance from the top down this waterfall is pretty much when on foot. Finally I decided to walk down a path toward Sipiso piso Waterfall, to walk a steep curve and this should be very cautious. Many paths that have been damaged and not infrequently we have to crawl and clinging to the side of the road, it is advisable to use shoes and drinking water to taste. Fortunately in every way a lot of residential houses are made for the rest of the walkers feet, so if you are not strong or sudden rain during the trip we can get enough rest.

Arriving based Sipiso Piso Waterfall, lost our sense of fatigue because of the river and waterfall scenery seen directly is very beautiful. Eve is radiated very cool because debris from the ears of water waterfall wet our face that makes us linger longer live under, after taking some photos we finally continued our journey upward. At the time of behind the new road was tired, because it does not feel way to the waterfall is down. And now we have to climb up and over.

Once above the struggle, we are in the Tour Tongging, tongging situated on the edge of Lake Toba in the north near Sipiso piso waterfall. It was from here is very beautiful view of Lake Toba, toba lake flanked by two mountains of rock along the bottom. We unwind here, after struggling to climb out from under Sipiso piso waterfall. Like tiredness disappeared instantly when we enjoy the beauty of Lake Toba, Berastagi leave a lasting impression for me. One time I definitely will be back again

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